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Abbreviation: Vul
Genitive: Vulpeculae
Right Ascension: 20.34 hours
Declination: 25.06 degrees
  Vulpecula, the Fox, and anser, the Goose were created by Hevelius, but the goose no longer appears on star charts.
  Bright Stars | Deep Sky | Other Deep Sky | Variable Stars | Double Stars

Best Known Stars

(Yale Bright Star Catalog)
Common Name
or Bayer Number 1
RA DEC Magnitude 2
ALP VUL 19.00:28.00:42.33 +24.00:39.00:53.66 4.44
15 VUL 20.00:1.00:6.05 +27.00:45.00:12.92 4.64
29 VUL 20.00:38.00:31.33 +21.00:12.00:4.36 4.82
32 VUL 20.00:54.00:33.63 +28.00:3.00:27.47 5.01
33 VUL 20.00:58.00:16.35 +22.00:19.00:33.27 5.31
24 VUL 20.00:16.00:47.08 +24.00:40.00:15.90 5.32
10 VUL 19.00:43.00:42.92 +25.00:46.00:18.94 5.49

Deep Sky Objects

(PAS Catalog)

Cr 339

Cr 399 The Coathanger. This star cluster is easily seen with the naked eye with its distinctive star pattern. A cruise though it with binoculars reveals many bright stars and star fields.


M-27 The Dumbbell Nebula. This huge planetary nebula is easily seen in binoculars as a gray puff of light in a very pretty field. In a telescope, the hourglass shape is obvious, and extensions are seen which actually make it more football shaped. A wealth of detail awards careful scrutiny. Justifiably one of the most observed deep sky objects.

Other Deep Sky Objects

(Saguaro Astronomy Club Catalog)
  Only Objects less than 10.0 Mag.
Object R.A. Dec. Object Type 3 Mag. Uranometria Tirion
Cr 399 19 25.4 +20 11 OPNCL 03.6 161 08
NGC 6802 19 30.6 +20 16 OPNCL 08.8 162 08
Stock 1 19 35.8 +25 13 OPNCL 05.3 162 08
NGC 6823 19 43.1 +23 18 OPNCL 07.1 162 08
NGC 6830 19 51.0 +23 04 OPNCL 07.9 162 08
NGC 6853 19 59.6 +22 43 PLNNB 07.3 162 08
Roslund 4 20 04.9 +29 13 OPNCL 10.0 119 09
NGC 6882 20 11.7 +26 33 OPNCL 08.1 163 09
NGC 6885 20 12.0 +26 29 OPNCL 08.1 163 09
NGC 6940 20 34.6 +28 18 OPNCL 06.3 120 09

Variable Stars

(General Catalog of Variable Stars)
  Only Objects <= 8.0 magnitude
(hh mm
(deg mm ss)
Variable Type 4 Mag. Min Mag. Max
T Vul 20.00:49.00:20.80 +28.00:3.00:44.00 DCEP 6.09 5.41
U Vul 19.00:34.00:26.50 +20.00:13.00:12.00 DCEP 7.54 6.73
RS Vul 19.00:15.00:32.30 +22.00:21.00:1.00 EA/SD: 7.83 6.79
SV Vul 19.00:49.00:27.80 +27.00:19.00:53.00 DCEP 7.79 6.72
BW Vul 20.00:52.00:14.90 +28.00:19.00:52.00 BCEP 0.24 6.52
ER Vul 21.00:0.00:16.40 +27.00:36.00:33.00 EW/DW/RS 7.49 7.27
ES Vul 19.00:15.00:36.60 +22.00:56.00:3.00 BCEP: 0.06 5.42
LT Vul 19.00:1.00:33.70 +21.00:11.00:34.00 DSCT 6.62 6.52
MW Vul 20.00:14.00:22.50 +27.00:37.00:15.00 ACV 6.70 6.62
NT Vul 19.00:59.00:2.40 +27.00:36.00:51.00 ACV 4.67 4.62
NU Vul 20.00:12.00:11.20 +28.00:32.00:32.00 DSCTC 0.05 5.36
PS Vul 19.00:41.00:52.90 +27.00:0.00:53.00 E: 0.07 6.28
QR Vul 20.00:13.00:8.70 +25.00:26.00:17.00 GCAS 4.80 4.60
QS Vul 20.00:13.00:20.50 +23.00:21.00:17.00 EA/GS 0.12 5.15

Double Stars

(Saguaro Astronomy Club Catalog)
  Only Objects <= 8.0 magnitude
Name R.A.
(hh mm.m)
(deg mm)
Mag 5 Sep 6 PA 7 Tirion Uranometria
STF 42 19 28.7 24 39 4.6, 6.0 13.70 28 8 161/ 162
STF 48 19 53.4 20 19 7.2, 7.5 42.20 147 8 162
STF 2655 20 14.1 22 13 7.9, 7.9 6.20 3 9 163
BU 673 20 41.9 20 43 7.4, 8.0 104.30 164 9 164
BU 69 21 02.6 21 41 7.9, 7.7 78.00 239 9 164/ 165
STF 2769 21 10.5 22 27 6.9, 7.7 17.90 300 9 165